KDC Develops New Campus for Baylor Scott & White Health in Deep Ellum
Baylor Scott & White Health’s new administrative campus has completely transformed the historically rich area of Deep Ellum on the eastern edge of downtown Dallas. Located on 116 acres at the intersections of Elm Street and Washington Avenue, the complex includes a 300,000-square-foot building and a 350,000-square-foot parking garage. KDC began construction on the Baylor project in June 2018 and delivered the project in just 21 months. Designed by Perkins + Will and Corgan, the complex boasts a unique design with two 125,000-square-foot floors that bridge the street to the parking garage. The white exterior features lots of glass and a monument stair extends from Level 1 to 5. Baylor deliberated between a suburban and urban environment, but eventually decided on the site bordering Landry Park near Baylor University Medical Center with access to a DART station via shuttle bus. The system is now the largest office employer in Deep Ellum. “The Deep Ellum neighborhood is unique and vibrant – it sizzles with energy,” said Pete Van Amburgh, vice president of development for KDC. “Several years ago, we identified Deep Ellum as a spot that increasingly appeals to people of all ages and a wide variety of companies. In addition to the Baylor project, we’re developing a mixed-use project nearby called The Epic that combines office, multifamily, retail, and a boutique hotel.” As the largest not-for-profit health system in Texas, Baylor Scott & White Health operates 48 hospitals and has more than 1,000 access points. Previously, the system’s 2,000+ employees were spread out in locations around the city. Bringing everyone together under one roof is expected to improve communication and encourage teamwork.
Chief Executive Officer - The Beck Group
What’s at the top of your bucket list?
Most people don’t know that I’m really into galactical travel, which is why the first item on my bucket list is to visit the moon. I can’t wait to hit a golf ball while I’m up there.
What’s your favorite book, and why?
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" changed my life more than any other book because it made me slow down and focus on what is truly important – how you make people feel versus what you need from them.
What three qualities contribute most to your success?
First, I’d say a deep engagement with others because we are better collectively than individually. Secondly, I’d say hard work. We can’t control many things in life, but we can always control how hard we work. Last, my ethics – doing things the right way, including being honest with others – has contributed significantly to my success.
What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
Marrying my wife, Abi, is hands down the best decision I’ve made. Abi has been with me in good times and bad. Without her support and encouragement, I know I wouldn’t be here today.
What do you hope to accomplish in 2021?
In 2021, I hope to keep The Beck Group healthy. I also hope to get my teenage daughters launched toward adulthood, which is, without a doubt, the most important job I have in this world.
KDC's Richardson Data Center recently won the Tilt-Up Achievement Award from the Tilt-Up Concrete Association. The 130,000-square-foot powered shell data center is located in Richardson’s Telecom Corridor just south of KDC’s CityLine development.
Congrats to our project partners Alliance Architects, Ridgemont Commercial Construction, L.A. Fuess Partners, Telios Corporation and Kimley-Horn.
Ab Atkins, Senior Vice President, Partner 214-696-7852 |
Holiday Edition
What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition or memory?

Barb Dye
"We have everyone put a prayer or note of what they are thankful for that year in the prayer jar. After dinner, we open the jar and let everyone take a note out, and read them one at a time. Everyone gets to guess whose prayer it is. It helps get everyone in one room at the same time for some family time and fun, especially if you have comedians in the family!"

Tracey Hatcher
"Hosting tailgating and attending The University of South Carolina vs Clemson University football games with my diehard Gamecock family!"

Mike Rosamond
"Sitting around the table, just moments before the Thanksgiving prayer, reaching right and left to take the hands next to mine and feeling the flood of blessings wash over me."

Amy Floyd
"While the rolls are in the oven for the meal, we stand in a circle and share something we are thankful for that year. Some years are very emotional; and depending on how many people are there that year, we MAY burn the rolls."

Travis Parker
"I love helping prepare the stuffing, and stuffing the turkey. And having cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy, and sweet pickles."

Linda Chase
"Friends and family cooking together wearing humorous turkey aprons and playing games after the feast."

Debra Velez
"My favorite thanksgiving tradition actually began ten years ago, my first year of marriage to Robert. I come from a very small family and married into a very large family. What I did not realize, coming from such a small family, was how much preparation and planning go into large family dinners.
My first Thanksgiving as a Velez began at 8pm on Wednesday evening, when my eldest sister-in-law arrived at my front door in her pajama pants and slippers with MOVING BOXES full of food prep (as well as very large roasting pans and kitchen utensils). Shortly thereafter, two other sisters-in-law showed up (also dressed in pajamas and holding various kitchen supplies) followed quickly by my mother-in-law (again, in PJs and with a large roasting pan)! Apparently, food prep starts the day before and involves a pajama party!
Every year since, we host Thanksgiving at our house and I have grown to LOVE having all these wonderful pajama wearing women in my kitchen, prepping food…messy floors and all…this is my favorite time of year!"

Maria Melendez
"One of my favorite Thanksgiving memories, was the first time a friend of mine and I ran the Dallas Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day! It was crazy windy, and 20 degrees outside. Some people may have elected to sleep in – but we got out there and did it. It was pretty brutal and we had to cover our faces to protect ourselves from the wind. But once we finished, we felt totally accomplished. It was a great way to start Thanksgiving and we still talk about it to this day."
KDC Partners with The Magdalen House to Help Women Battling Alcoholism
As the only agency in Dallas-Fort Worth that helps women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost, The Magdalen House fights to aid as many people as possible with limited resources. And now, after partnering with KDC, the nonprofit will have a larger facility to provide care to the women who need it. This new partnership is the latest philanthropic activity for KDC, which also completed a similar partnership with 24 Hour Club. The Dallas-based nonprofit provides transitional housing to homeless men and women. When The Magdalen House’s Executive Director Lisa Kroencke saw the finished facility and heard about the partnership with 24 Hour Club, she reached out to KDC’s CEO Steve Van Amburgh. He and the KDC team, led by Hector Patino and Walt Mountford, donated their time, talent, and development expertise to build a new 8,000-square-foot facility for The Magdalen House, which was founded in 1987. “Magdalen House plays a critical role in the community, and KDC is committed to giving back to the communities that have been so good to us,” said Hector Patino, vice president of design & construction for KDC. “Being able to help The Magdalen House with its mission of improving the lives of women who struggle with alcoholism is rewarding because we’re creating a safe place where these women can achieve and maintain sobriety.” The new facility, located at 4513 Gaston Ave., increases The Magdalen House’s capacity by 40 percent, allowing the organization to expand its inpatient program to 20 beds from 14 beds. Of equal importance is the location in the Peak Addison neighborhood, which will increase The Magdalen House’s visibility in the community and hopefully drive both new clients and new donors. The new facility is scheduled to open in early 2021.

• 3 cups smoked beef brisket (cooked & chopped) • 1 large onion, chopped • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil • 1 ring smoked kielbasa or Polish sausage (coarsely chopped) OR 1 tube of Owen’s spicy sausage • 1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes • 1 can fire roasted salsa • 1 can tomato sauce • 2 cans (4 oz) chopped green chilis • 1 Tbsp minced garlic • 1 Tbsp chili powder • 1 Tbsp ground cumin • 1 Tsp celery salt • 1/4 Tsp salt • 1/8 Tsp pepper
1. Sauté onion in oil for a few minutes to soften. 2. Add garlic to the pan & sauté for another minute. 3. Add all of the ingredients to a large pot, stir, bring to a boil. 4. Reduce heat, cover, simmer for 2-3 hours.
(214) 696-1700